Matchbook Distilling Underhand Amaro

Matchbook Distilling Underhand Amaro

This truly one-of-a-kind amaro combines Chinese Five Spice, Sichuan and Macqaw peppercorns, gentian, rhubarb root, Mekong cinnamon, orange and citron peel, and Okinawan Murakami Syuten sugar to create a beautifully bittersweet flavor. The warmth of the Chinese Five Spice melds seamlessly with the rich, layered bitterness, offering a versatile, sensory-rich experience that evolves as you drink it!

  • Producer: Matchbook Distilling
  • Region: Greenpoint, NY
  • Spirit: Amaro
  • Alcohol: 33%
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Matchbook Distilling Underhand Amaro